The Heartland Heartbeat – August Edition

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This month at Heartland, we are excited to announce the launch of our brand new website! We are also excited to announce the BIG NEWS, our Nurse Practitioner is coming on full time at Heartland! This means that we can better serve you and have the ability to further cultivate and grow the Heartland family!

Employee of the Month

Kaley Marino, FNP

Kaley Marino is a nationally certified family nurse practitioner who received her Master of Science in Nursing in 2016. She specializes in the treatment of mental health disorders across the lifespan. She utilizes a holistic, patient-centered approach, integrating most recent evidence-based interventions and treatment options, focusing on providing patients the education and resources needed to empower them to actively participate in developing and executing their individualized plan of care. She provides an open and non-judgmental space for anyone in need of mental health services, and she has great interest and respect for the differences in every person, which make them unique. Kaley believes a respectful, compassionate, and direct approach works best in establishing and maintaining a professional relationship between provider and patient.

What is Codependency?

Codependency is a concept that characterizes an imbalance within a relationship where one or both people enable the other person’s self destructive tendencies and/or undermine the other person.
Codependency can also be defined as a relationship where two people are so invested or dependent on one another, that it becomes hard to function independently.

What is Codependency?

Common Signs

People Pleasing
Going out of your way to please people every-time they need something.

Lack of Boundaries
Not respecting another person’s feelings and/or space.

Poor Self Esteem
Negative feelings about yourself or excessive self-criticism.

Taking care of everything and everyone all of the time.
Becoming defensive or internalizing criticism. Reacting is different than responding.
Poor Communication
Being unable to properly communicate your needs within the relationship.
Relationship Stress
Unhealthy and volatile situations, or a feeling of “walking on egg shells,” all of the time.

Codependency is a learned behavior that can develop as early as childhood. This is good news because it means that codependency can be unlearned. Learning to set healthy boundaries and having time to grow as an individual allows the relationship or partnership to grow as well. Remember that self-care isn’t selfish. It is not possible to pour from an empty cup, so if you are struggling with codependency, don’t hesitate to seek help and guidance. Having a healthy and happy relationship where both people are independent is possible. There is hope.

Tips for overcoming Codependency

Understand what Healthy Love Looks Like.
Healthy love happens when two “whole” and secure people come together to enhance each other, rather than to diminish one another.

Set Boundaries.
Setting boundaries can be difficult, however it can help both parties in the relationship feel heard and understood.

Identify and Clarify your Needs.
Clear communication is important when identifying and clarifying your needs. People are not mind-readers.

Find your Value.
Every person has worth and value. Find yours, by finding yourself. Find things you like to do and are passionate about.

Identify Patterns.
Knowledge is power. Being able to identify patterns that trigger codependent tendencies can help you avoid those patterns in the future.

Find Support.
There are so many support groups available. Find one that fits your needs and feeds your soul.

The Elephant Group

The Elephant Group is a support group that focuses on the family aspect of addiction. The disease of addiction cannot be overcome alone. Family members also need support because addiction affects the whole family system. Getting involved and finding a support group can be very helpful in the healing process. The Elephant Group meets every Monday from 7-9 pm either at Heartland, in Community Grove, or via Zoom. If you are interested in attending the Elephant group, please reach out to Carey through text at (949)-231-9559. Carey facilitates the group and would be happy to discuss with you in further detail what you can expect if you attend the Elephant Group.

If you haven’t already, check out Alanon or Alateen. Alanon can provide useful tools for family members or friends of those in recovery. Alateen helps bridge the gap and extends support to younger family members and friends.


That’s it for this month. Make sure to stay tuned for next months edition which will focus on honesty. Honesty helps foster a healthy and happy family life! If you haven’t liked us on Facebook and Instagram, you can follow the icons below to our pages. We post daily inspirational and informational items on our social media accounts. As always, we are so happy to have you as a part of the Heartland family!

With purpose and passion,

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