The Heartland Heartbeat – July Edition


We are so happy to have you as a part of our family! Inside this month’s Heartbeat we will provide tips to help you communicate in an effective manner with your loved ones. Also, we will look at our Heartland Heartbeats Alumni Group and tell you how you can get involved!


There are different types of communication including verbal, nonverbal, written and visual. We interact and communicate in many different ways depending on each situation. Depending on who we are communicating with, we might prefer one type of communication over the other. Regardless, here are some tips to keep in mind when communicating with others. Active listening is very important during communication. Listening rather than talking is a key skill that can make the person you are with feel heard and understood. After all, who doesn’t like to be heard?

There is a difference between attacking and assertiveness. Assertiveness can help you get your point across. Remember, you have to ask for what you need. People cannot read our minds, no matter how much we wish they could. Be polite. Use “I feel” statements rather than “you” statements to omit blame from anyone. Keep good eye contact. If there has to be criticism, make sure it is constructive.

Communication is so valuable and can produce so many positive effects when used correctly. Communication can show respect and value of another person. It also raises the level of comfortability and vulnerability.

“I feel hurt because you didn’t validate my feelings. I hope that we can come up with a way to make sure we are both heard.”

“I understand you feel sad because you feel I didn’t validate your feelings. How can we work together to come up with a solution?

Helpful tips.

  • Find the right time. If something is bothering you and you want to have a conversation about it, try to find the ideal time to talk about it.
  • Talk face to face. Avoid talking about very serious matters through a text or phone call. If you are having trouble with communicating your thoughts, try writing a letter and reading it out loud.
  • Do not attack. Attacking can make the conversation hostile and the person can become defensive. Even when we mean well, attacking can make the discussion take a negative turn.
  • Be honest. Sometimes the truth can hurt, but remember that honesty without empathy is brutality.
  • Check your body language. Give your full attention by maintaining eye contact and keeping an open posture.
  • Take time. If someone becomes upset during a discussion take time and think about how you feel before responding. Responding is different than reacting.

Who are the Heartland Heartbeats?

Our Heartland Heartbeats are an Alumni Group whose focus is on recovery and unity. Our Heartbeats meet once a month to process what is going on in their lives. They also plan service outings to give back to the community. Our Heartbeats are dedicated to their recovery and eager for other Alumni to join them on the path to recovery and unity. If you have graduated from Heartland programming and wish to join our Alumni Group, do not hesitate to contact us so you can get involved! This month, the Heartland Heartbeats are going to join up with the Lowell Food Pantry and collect canned goods. If you are interested in helping, you can drop off canned goods at Heartland Recovery Center.

I think that is it for this month. If you haven’t already, make sure to like us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date! Stay tuned for next months edition of The Heartbeat, which will focus on Codependency. We are so happy you are a part of the Heartland family.

With passion and purpose,

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