The Heartland Heartbeat – June Edition

What is Heartland?

We are a unique blend of qualified professionals who have come together to create an environment where clients can embrace an authentic connection to a recovery path that is unique to them.

By offering multiple paths of recovery, intense clinical counseling, and family integration within an intentionally difficult recovery program, our clients will receive one-of-a-kind individualized care.

We simply do not focus on physical recovery, but emotional, spiritual, and cognitive balance in order to give our clients the optimum care they need.
Hidden away in Lowell, IN, where you would least expect it, we have designed a place where the average person can get an above average experience.

News & Updates

This month at Heartland there have been some new and exciting changes. We have hired three new full-time staff members to better serve our clients and grow our family. We also created The Heartbeat, a monthly newsletter that will be sent out to our Heartland Heartbeats and families to gain insight and stay up to date about news at Heartland

The Heartbeat will provide more in depth information about family night topics and additional resources for those struggling with addiction and their loved ones. The Heartbeat will be available electronically via email as well as in hard copy form


What is isolation? Isolation can be defined as separation from people, places and things.  Isolation negatively impacts people who struggle with addiction and their loved ones because it separates people from one another. Gaining and maintaining a support system in recovery is imperative. Staying connected and accountable are necessary for continuous and sustainable recovery.

Avoiding Isolation

For those in recovery there are many ways to stay connected such as AA, NA, Smart Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and of course the Heartland Heartbeats Alumni Group. Joining a gym, practicing yoga, attending church, or partaking in volunteer work are alternative ways to get involved, get connected, and stay accountable.

For family members and loved ones, there are also many ways to get connected such as the Elephant Group here at Heartland every other Monday in person and on zoom from 7-9 PM (if you are interested in this please contact Heartland for in-person and zoom dates). Family activities are also important, such as family dinners, bowling, or volunteering in your community.

In Summary

Isolation produces loneliness, and loneliness perpetuates the disease of addiction. In order to combat both loneliness and isolation getting involved and staying connected is the number one thing to do. If you are struggling with thoughts of wanting to isolate, try and be open with someone who can help you work through and process those feelings.

Heartland is here for the person struggling with addiction and their family and loved ones. Heartland is here for you. You are not alone. Support is available. Recovery is possible.


Get connected with AANAAlanon, Smart Recovery, and Celebrate Recovery meetings in your area. Stay connected and remember that you are not alone. Follow the appropriate links below to find a meeting near you!

Family Night is every Thursday from 6-7 PM at the Church of the Nazarene (18210 Clark St.)

Family Night is every Thursday from 6-7 PM at the Church of the Nazarene (18210 Clark St) and is open to the Heartland Heartbeats, current clients, family members and loved ones. At family night we take a deeper look into specific topics that help clients and their families recover from the disease of addiction.

Here at Heartland, we are dedicated to providing best practices and care to those we serve, so that everyone can find their own unique path to recovery. We strive to continue growing our community here at Heartland and extending information and care to those who need it most.

In July, The Heartbeat, will focus on communication and describe the Heartland Heartbeats, what they do, and how you can get involved. Stay tuned!



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