The Heartland Heartbeat – September Edition

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Since we were founded, we have strived to create a safe environment where recovery and healing can begin. This includes growing through ebbs and flows as times change and our Heartland family grows. As we grow, continuing to provide best care has
remained a priority. To better provide care, please join us in welcoming our newest therapist, Gina Pike, who has joined the Heartland Behavioral Health team. If you are looking for a new therapist, please call us today at 219.690.7025.


Honesty is the foundation in all of our relationships. Honesty starts within us and then gradually begins to move outwards toward and with others. Sometimes dishonesty may appear to be the easier, softer way in some of our communication. However, dishonesty can cause shame and isolation. We get lost in the lies that are circling us, creating a vicious cycle. Honesty breaks down barriers and allows people to be vulnerable. Vulnerability increases our personal accountability, helps us overcome negative emotions, and helps us build trust and intimacy within relationships.
In all honesty, honesty can be scary. 

Sometimes we fear what being honest may bring us. We fear the answers we might get if we ask the honest questions that we really want to ask. Most of all, we fear that we will lose people if they don’t like our truth. Honesty does take a certain amount of empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of someone else. Remember that honesty without empathy is brutality. Honesty and empathy must coexist to cultivate happy and healthy relationships.

Increasing Honesty

Determine your values. Discover your unique personality. Find out what you are good at. Find what you are passionate about.

Mean what you say. Do what you say you are going to do. Show up in the lives of your loved ones.

Use sincere body language. Utilize active listening. Understand your partner’s point of view.

Be open to the opinions of others. Refrain from becoming defensive. Process the feedback before responding.


Happiness comes from within. No one can make you happy or take your happiness away from you. It is truly an inside job. Many of us share a common goal, “to be happy.” Taking the time to do things that make you happy will help you in your personal relationships.

It is unrealistic to believe that you will be happy 24/7. Having realistic expectations will aid in the process to becoming happy. Being reasonable with yourself and others is a start down the journey to creating your own happiness.


Healthy habits don’t accumulate over night. They take time and dedication. Starting to practice healthy habits increases your overall mood and demeanor. Finding out what habits you want to start can also take time. Recovery, centers around the mind and body. A lot of times, when the substance of choice is put down, there is still a lot of other work that needs to be done in order to heal holistically. Starting to adopt healthy habits into your life is one way to better facilitate the growth and healing process.
Simply getting your body in motion by taking a walk or practicing light yoga is a great way to start utilizing exercise as a healthy habit. Also, being mindful of your food intake is important. Remembering to eat breakfast and stay hydrated are some other forms of healthy habits that you can adopt into your daily routine. Whatever healthy habits you decide to adopt remember to be patient and kind with yourself as they become a part of your daily routine.

Employee of the Month

Lisa Smith

Lisa serves as a therapist at Heartland Behavioral Health. Lisa approaches issues with compassion and humor. She enjoys helping clients problem solve and learn how to empower themselves. Lisa believes trust, kindness and respect are the keys to building a strong therapeutic alliance. Lisa became a mental health professional out of her own curiosity about people and relationships and she has a passion for helping the world become a more joyous place.

That’s it for this month. We hope you continue to strive for honest, happy, and healthy lives! Stay tuned for next months edition which will focus on rebuilding trust after active addiction and alcoholism. As always, we are so blessed to have you as a part of the Heartland Family.
With love-

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